Referral Agreement Samples

As businesses expand and grow, it’s common for them to seek out partnerships with other companies. Referral agreements are a popular way for two businesses to work together to drive more traffic and leads to each other.

A referral agreement is a legal document that outlines the terms and conditions of a partnership between two businesses. It typically includes details such as the referral fee, the duration of the agreement, and the circumstances under which referrals will be made.

If you’re looking to create a referral agreement, it’s essential that you have a well-written document that covers all the necessary information. Here are a few sample referral agreement templates to get you started:

1. Basic Referral Agreement Template

This template is perfect if you’re looking for a simple referral agreement that covers the basics. It includes sections for the referral fee, the duration of the agreement, and the obligations of both parties.

2. Non-Exclusive Referral Agreement Template

If you’re looking for a referral agreement that allows you to work with multiple partners, this non-exclusive template is a great option. It includes language that specifies that the referring party is not required to exclusively refer clients to the other party.

3. Commission-Based Referral Agreement Template

This commission-based referral agreement template is ideal if you’re looking to offer a percentage of the sale to the referring party. It includes sections for the commission rate, the payment terms, and the obligations of both parties.

4. Partner Referral Agreement Template

If you’re looking for a referral agreement with a more formal partnership arrangement, this partner referral agreement template is a great option. It includes sections for ownership of intellectual property and liability, as well as clauses for termination and confidentiality.

When creating a referral agreement, it’s important to consult with a legal professional to ensure that the agreement is compliant with all applicable laws and regulations. With these sample templates, you’ll have a solid foundation to work from and can tailor the agreement to fit the needs of your specific partnership.